Amenity Go Shopping the Way of You We offer the way of more free expense! You Unnecessary Bolt From Your Place To Go shopping.. Let Us which Do/Conduct 1. See list of goods which you wish 2. You can order through sms to our sales service manager, Fahmi, by handphone no 08568088770 or 081320145345 with sms format: ordering/pemesanan#name of goods#address of goods will be sent 4. Conduct payment of through Mandiri Bank or BNI Bank as according to amount price list of your expense is added by a delivery expense added by 3 (three) of last number of your handphone number ( follow the example of: if/when your buy amount to Rp. 20.000,00; your delivery expense amount to Rp. 3.000,00; and 3 of last number of your handphone no is 123 [ taking example your no hp 085612345123], hence you have to pay a number of Rp. 23.123,00) as a means of identify your ordering. Delivering to account
Bank Mandiri cabang Djuanda Bogor no. rek. 133-00-0527987-2 a.n. Idham M. Husen or BNI Cabang IPB Dramaga Bogor no. rek. 0109729893 a.n. Reni Sanjaya Use Amenity of Banking of Online to do so. ----- use always internet banking in or sms banking Mandiri or sms banking BNI 5. Confirmation transfer you is through sms by subjek: Transfer 6. Goods will immediately sent if our data fitt in with delivery of your money